Storms In Africa
At long last, I post. Honestly guys, I don't know why I don't post anymore... I think I've gotten tired of my own nothing words. So I said Enough. BUt! I think of you often, and of things I can tell you, especially when I'm on the bus. You know, about people that ride it and the weather and how the area around Jason's old house has changed and how his neighbor who used to be the Sheriff didn't get re-elected, but became a real estate agent until he got taken to court for stealing his gun when he left his last day on the force and embezzling like $200 or so from the department.The other night my little seven-year-old sister goes up to my dad and says, "Daddy, do you have any money you don't want?"
Bethany won her American Legion Speech Competition, for her post, because she was the only competitor, and then the District's. She was against five public schoolers. Everyone was in awe. They asked my mom if she was the one who taught her to speak. My mom just laughed and said no. She has some lovely coaches in her speech club in homeschool group. In any case, we are ecstatic about it. It's really a lovely speech.
Middle school reminds me so much of when we did the play, "A Midsummer Night's Dream." There are the King and the girl he likes, and there's another girl who likes him, and he might like her back. And he and the first walk around, you can just picture them in evening wear, long gloves and tiara, while the ladies in waiting hover off a few steps behind, twittering about them. I honestly am coming to HATE middle school drama. Really and truly.
I have to say, when it comes to gentlemanliness, you Yankees have nothing on Southern boys. They're so sweet. Ok, I'll be honest, some of them are. Some are complete jerks, but I"m nearly positive they're not actually Southern. I have a friend who's from Georgia, he moved up here last summer. We ride the bus together to school. He's always so polite, and he'll go all the way up to the third floor from the first, where his class is, to walk me to mine.
And then there are Brian and Tim. They went up north, and while at dinner, Brian pulled the chair out for the young lady he was with, and she got angry at him and the waitress slapped him. I can't even figure it out. Why on earth would they do that? Ok, I admit, I'm not really used to guys doing that, my mom had to remind me to let them be gentlemen and do things like open doors and help you out of cars and carry the groceries and such, because sometimes it seems like they don't think I can do that for myself.
But I am too full of pride. Yup... that's all.
That's exactly it though. It would not strain me in any way to carry one bag of groceries so that he isn't in danger of spilling flour all over the parking lot. Honest. And there are smoother ways of being a gentleman than taking the groceries from me, loudly proclaiming that you're a gentleman. A meek gentleman is a thousand times better. Actually, does pride get in the way of gentlemanliness?
Marlow, do you really have a sister?
Also. I just realized that your sister likes Jane Austen. *goes ecstatic* Have you, Lady, read Northanger Abbey? My sister and I like it the best. But they're all lovely. Jane Austen was so brilliant. :D
well, i think people just want to be gentelmanly, and thats the only way they know how.
and not to be rude at all, but could it be that you have i little bit of pride in not letting other guys do stuff for you?
wow. that was pretty serious. so i will make it up with a
I have read N.A. I liked it very much, but I think my favorite is Pride and Prejudice. I have read them all exept for Sense and Sensebility, which I am working on right now.
Marlow and Alcari!! This is SOO cool! Cause, like M'Lady, I have three brother and three sisters, and my brother, like Marlow, has four sisters and two brothers. How Cool is that?
As for Jason. I believe you must be growing up. And I completely agree. I even said, "But I am too full of pride. Yup... that's all"
I agree, it goes with how I think of myself, I guess I'll just have to learn to exist without having to prove I can do things. Which is meekness. *sigh* so far to go...
I think when I did it, I used the translation of my name, Pearl, and the um, something... I don't remember. And I don't remember what my name was. :-P
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